Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A letter of support to Prof. Douglas W. Kmiec

Dear Prof. Kmiec,

Thank you for the courage that you have shown to support Barack Obama. Even though many of his policies violate the message of Jesus Christ, there are other aspects in which he has a superior claim of doing the Lord's work. Your decision has proved at least this much: No party in America has a monopoly on Jesus.

I hail from a predominantly Catholic community. The Church that I knew and its message contrasts a lot from what I have seen and heard in the Catholic church in the United States. Out there, the Church prominently preaches social morality. The one about being the keeper of your brother. The message in which God helps anyone who helps, not himself, but his neighbor. We hear the story about Jesus telling us on the judgment day that he came to us as a poor man and we neglected him.

However, the Catholic Church in the United States appears to be on a war for personal morality, even though not all aspects of it. The right of a woman to choose or gay rights are personal choices, that we do not have to judge. Nobody forces anyone to be gay. Nobody can force me to have an abortion at my family. Such laws or Supreme Court judgments do not really affect my life or do not make me sin. Let the Lord be the one who judge them.

My uncle, Arch Bishop of Guwahati, has remarked on many occasions during his visits to the United States that the Church in the US has lost its direction fighting against abortion and gay rights. The debate sadly pushes aside the real issues that face the society; the real action that needs to be taken by us as fellow Christians. The inequality and poverty should be the primary issues that we need to care about as a society. Abortion and gay rights, which are cases of individual morality should be left to each person.

So I'd love to see the Church giving Social morality, at least the same importance that it gives to individual morality. Also, looking at the Republican policies in the past decade has made me wonder how I can justify those actions. Cutting health-care to children in different states is definitely not pro-life. Waging an unnecessary war that results in thousands of deaths and trillions of tax payer money is not a Christian way of doing things. The so called conservatives, at least the neocons do not stand for my values as a Christian.

But, there is always a word of caution in all these issues when it comes to liberals. As much as I applauded your decision to support Obama, you and I, as Catholics, should hold him accountable for having our religious rights unscathed. The story about Boston Catholic charities not being able to exorcise our religious beliefs in case of adoption should be a dire warning. Even from a totally agnostic point of view, the end result, that is those charities closed down does not benefit the nation or the people.

In the same vein, I am delighted at Obama's decision to make use of religious groups in making progress with the society. However, like the case of Catholic Adoption agencies, there is a trap hidden in his own words. While it is acceptable that these religious groups do not discriminate against their benefactors, he has asked the groups not to discriminate in hiring processes too. How would a Catholic charity be Catholic if its workers are Jewish or Atheists? Inasmuch as a Pro-Choice organization would want to hire someone who shares their ideas, even a Catholic organization, or any religious bodies for that matter, would want to hire people that share its values. We should fight to keep Obama accountable in this aspect.

Keeping in mind all these, I am appalled to hear that you were denied communion by a priest for endorsing Obama. Such bigotry is not part of Jesus Christ's message. Such hate is not professed by bible as I know it.

So, I wish to congratulate you for your stance and would love to see you continue to champion the Catholic values, be it demanding for government policies with an emphasis on social morality or fighting for religious freedom in the public square.

Thank You,

Politics Avalanche

Update: Prof. Kmiec actually responded with a message of agreement. He alerted us that the love of our homosexual neighbors in California ought not be turned around as a discrimination against the church. I applaud that. As much as they have the right for unions, it should not be held against a judge or a clerk or a priest who would not want to perform ceremony due to religious beliefs.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing this. I love the idea of sending support to those who stuck their neck outs. It is a reminder to me that we can encourage each other

Anonymous said...

Excellent blog. thx.

We need more followers of the dorothy day aspect of the Catholic Church to counterbalance the people that others mistakenly think represent the Catholic view.

Anonymous said...

"The right of a woman to choose or gay rights are personal choices, that we do not have to judge. Nobody forces anyone to be gay. Nobody can force me to have an abortion at my family. Such laws or Supreme Court judgments do not really affect my life or do not make me sin. Let the Lord be the one who judge them."

Abortion maybe a personal choice but that choice kills a preborn child, if we dont speak out against injustice like this we sin. The Catholic Church is NOT secular and just because abortion is legal doesnt mean it is right. Owning a slave,was a personal choice and legal at one time did that make it right. Every person’s life started at conception no matter if everyone agrees. We ALL started out that away. , " to him who knows to do good and does it not, to him it is sin" [James 4:17]
I dont judge the women that abort, that isnt my job, my job is to speak out against injustice and the biggest one is abortion! World wide EVERYDAY 115,000 preborn babies are killed through abortion.Planned Parenthood is part of that number especially because their International Branch works to push abortion onto countries that dont want abortion and Obama is a supporter of PP.An Overview of Abortion / 2-minute version
Here is a good article for Catholics ABORTION and THE CHURCH'S RESPONSIBILITY

Obama wants to bring more government, look where thats gotten us. Im for less government and we help the poor ourselves through organizations that are already out there. Catholics have a few Charities that help those that need it, that even alot of Catholics dont know about.

Not only that Obama wants to take ALL restrictions off of abortion which include parental notification, restriction on paying for abortions here and abroard, overturning the Partial-Birth abortion Ban, doctor conscience laws.

We paid for 177,000 abortions in 2006, what about when we pay for over a million a year. Obama has promised to bring FOCA into law which is a big possiblity with a Democrat prochoice Majority.
Obama words:
we’ve got ten billion dollars a month to fight a war in Iraq that should have never been authorized and should have never been waged. We can find the money to make sure our daughters have the same rights as our sons.”
Obama speaking to PP on tax-payer funded abortion

States that pay for more abortions end up having more abortions done. Heres examples of the 2 highest State funded abortions,California and New York.
CA had over 200,000 abortions and NY 121,278 in 2006.
Guttmachers: CA 94,602 and NY it says only 34,824(NY number is wrong on Guttenmacher link: actual amount 47,071,found in NY link)p27:

IN NY 2006, 2506 unborn babies were killed 20+ weeks, 3804 females had 5 or more previous abortions.

Heres the latest report for year 2005 Taxfunded abortions in CA:
which paid for 94,602 abortions.

Legal Analysis of FOCA by the USCCB Office of General

Obama has voted against parental notification laws which are shown to reduce abortions in teens. If doctors cant even give a child aspirin without parents permission why can they do medical procedures and give them abortion medication to teens without parents permission.

Democratic Platform Promises,Republican Platform Rejects More Abortion Overseas
USAID Decision Points to How Barack Obama Would Fund US, Intl Abortions

Im for helping the poor,(grew up really poor myself and Catholic Charity helped us) without government telling where and how to do it!

I keep hearing that Catholics dont do anything to help the poor or help the women getting abortions who cant afford to raise a child. We do alot but we cant predict who these women are, so we need to get the information out on as many ways to help these women and others. I cant believe how many Catholics dont know about these programs to help.
Catholic Charities and other organizations( you dont have to be Catholic to get help)

More about CCUSA http://tinyurl.com/68c4z5

We have a St. Vincent DePaul Society that helps the poor in our Community. Here is 2 youtube about the Society even if the first is not in my Community(both are good videos):

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul(A brief history and current view of the world's largest lay Catholic charitable group.)

Fact Sheet: Greater Access to Contraception Does Not Reduce Abortions


Forced Abortion in America

The Truth About Abortion Rights, the Freedom of Choice Act, and What Lies Beneath (part 1)
(warning show partial birth abortion but with a doll, and real dead babies from prostaglandin
abortion not dismembered)

Anonymous said...

That's a great letter of support!It's encouraging to see someone standing up to the tremendous pressure that we as American Christians feel to support the Republican party--mostly because of abortion, gay marriage, and Israel. Prayfully vote.


jen said...

Well said.

I am a Catholic who is voting Obama for president. Catholicism and their central teachings around the concept of the common good, are a strong base of my character.

Kmiec shouldn't have been denied communion simply for his choosing to endorse Barack Obama.

A choice must be made. I have read the publication Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility and there is no candidate that fits the Catholic views 100% perfectly.

At least, he is choosing and voting. The worst thing would be not to vote at all.

We are humans. We are not perfect. We can only strive to live life as best we can, in a manner of which we can grow in love and enrichment within ourselves and fellow brothers and sisters.

In the end, it is only God that can hold us truly accountable for our own actions and choices.

Again, thank you for this post.