Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Coach in New Jersey Cannot Pray With Players

Folks, this is how the totalitarian left operates. He did not force anybody to pray. All he did was to bow his head and kneel in respect when his players are having a prayer.

This is the most blatant assault against the Constitution of the United states which stands for the freedom of speech and religion.This is the tool that they use against the very soul of America: Political Correctness.

Since when is it the citizens forbidden from wishing anyone Happy Christmas? When it is Hanukkah, I'd wish Happy Hanukkah too. Political correctness is forcing a whole country forget its roots and make its citizens live in a make believe worlds in which one has to wish everyone happy holidays. That is a bull! If that is the case, we have the weekends off and everyone should be wishing Happy Holidays on weekends too. So that is really clear that it is special on those days because it is Christmas. Learn to live with it. Or try to rebuild USSR and flee to that place. Or go to Cuba. I hear even in Cuba one is allowed to wish anyone Happy Christmas.

Coming back to the main issue, this kind of oppressive policies are lurking all around. Take the issue of abortion. All these Pro-Abortion liberals, if they get what they want, would make it mandatory that everyone go through abortion. For the record, Politics Avalanche (that's me) is pro-choice. And my choice is LIFE! Anyway, I would not mind legislation allowing the freedom of choice, but I know they are going to turn the tables and hit that freedom out and invade the freedom to choose life, one of the last territories of religious freedoms left in this country.

People, all you good stalwarts of morality, please forward this story and the NY Times story. I know their story makes it looks like the coach is a criminal or something. But that is the point. How being a reasonable, caring, god fearing individual is a bad thing in America.

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