With only 26 days left to harangue, mock and bash President Bush, some of our colleagues in the media aren't wasting a day. Bashing ex-presidents, except for the ex-presidents with shrill prominent wives, isn't nearly as much fun as bashing while he's still the real thing.There is only for so much more time can they blame Bush for everything is that has gone wrong in the country. After that they will have to own up responsibility for what is happening. They have escaped from that by blaming Bush for everything for almost a decade. Reality will hit them, and hit them hard.
There's method in the gladness at the New York Times, which relieved itself at the beginning of Christmas week with an umpity-thousand word accusation - beginning on Page One and continuing across several acres of newsprint inside - that George W. Bush invented the meltdown of the subprime housing market, which in turn has led to the collapse of Detroit and all kinds of bad things for Atchison, Topeka and maybe even Santa Fe.
Friday, December 26, 2008
PRUDEN: Only 26 days left for Bush-bashing
Monday, December 22, 2008
Rick Warren Was A Good Pick
I'm not going to defend Rick Warren; well, not too much. I am going to defend Barack Obama, at the risk of looking like a hack to my friends and colleagues.
There are many reasons why the controversy over Obama's selection of Warren to perform the inaugural invocation is stupid. I plan to list every single one of them.
First, the invocation is ceremonial. It's publicity, theater, a show; to the cynical, it's marketing. It isn't policy. It won't change anyone's life. So, as a sometimes-angry gay, I'm going to take a deep breath and calm down....
Second, as publicity, it's not half bad. Since 2004 Obama has talked about ending the blue state/red state divide. Are people really surprised by this? The hoopla over Warren shows that message needs to be restated, because the divide persists. People in the media must have no idea how popular Warren is....
Third. Okay, so Rick Warren opposes gay marriage—who cares? Most people do. Rick Warren is pro-life and in many other ways a social conservative. So what? A lot of people are...
Obama is doing his job. He's saying to the country: I want to be the president of all of you, not just the ones who agree with me. This is the mistake Hillary Clinton—and a lot of Boomers—made when she ran healthcare reform in 1992. It was "us" versus "them."....
Fourth, any attempt to imply an Obama policy shift from the Warren selection is pure hypocrisy from the left, who argued against Rev. Wright as a relevant campaign topic...
The best part I liked was that, this proves that Obama is not Bush. A left wing Bush, I mean. After eight years of extreme polarization in the political discourse, and eight years of triangulation before that, I'd rather see some engagement between the poles.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
A liberal Case for Rick Warren - Cynthia Tucker
[A]s a member of the Christian left, I would still bow my head for a prayer led by the Rev. Warren (assuming he doesn’t disparage any group in the process). There are some important issues on which we agree, after all: Christ’s ministry emphasized an obligation to help the needy; Christians ought to be good stewards of the planet; and, most important, God’s love is for all.Gay-rights activists are outraged that Warren has been invited to give the invocation at Obama’s inauguration, a platform which, they believe, legitimizes Warren’s discriminatory views. Some even seem to think that Obama agrees with Warren’s offensive rhetoric about same-sex marriage.
That’s ironic. Gay-marriage advocates have adopted the same overwrought logic that many conservatives applied to Obama’s relationship with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, retired pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. How could Obama listen to Wright’s offensive rants all those years unless he agreed with them, they asked.
Among Obama’s several admirable qualities is his ability to sit and converse — debating, but also listening — with those with whom he strongly disagrees. That’s why he stands a better-than-even chance of tamping down the harsh partisanship that has dominated domestic politics for the past 15 years. He won’t silence partisans determined to see only differences, but he can forge coalitions of interest with those looking to cooperate where they can.
I could not have agreed more. I have always believed in him when Obama said he will bring people together from the right and the left. Where did the liberals think that much promised meeting shall take place? In the left field? I am glad that as much as a liberal he is, Obama is refraining from the Rush Limbaugh politics of demonizing the opposing views.
The true unity of the nation could only come from first learning to respect each other and work to find common grounds. Liberals were complaining about the right being mean all the time. Now it is the turn of the left. I'm glad that Obama is turning out to be much better every day.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Bushoe Attack Game

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A 'Fiscally Conservative' Stimulus Plan
It starts with Cuba. Fifty years of embargo has clearly not worked with Cuba since a Castro is still ruling the island. As Barack Obama himself has said it is time to stop doing the same things over and over again and somehow expect a different result. So, I suggest this far superior mode of sanctions.
Read On...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Nebraska Law Should Stand
The whole story is chock-full of the kind of details that make comment almost superfluous. “Tysheema Brown drove from Georgia to leave her teenage son at an Omaha hospital.” My Lord, that’s an uncomfortable car ride. Wow. That’s 22 hours in an enclosed space with a woman who is planning to disown you. She continues, “Do not judge me as a parent. I love my son and my son knows that... There is just no help. There hasn't been any help.” Look, Ms. Brown, we let you legally abandon your child. I don't know what else you think the public owes you—gas money? An iTrip? Also, did you really need to give a quote? You didn't win the Super Bowl, you failed at the most fundamental task a human being can have. Slinking away in shame is the appropriate action here, to the extent that there could be an appropriate action after having given up your son to the ministrations of the state of Nebraska at the tender age of 15.
Honestly, I think world would have been a better place with the law intact. If some parent wants to get rid of their children, it could mean only two things:
- The children will be better off away from those crappy parents.
- The parents should not be burdened with such crappy children who deserves to be in juvenile system or something.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Mumbai was not India's 9/11
As appalled as I was about these attacks, I was also surprised by the unprecedented level of coverage of the events by the news channels—fueled, no doubt, by the large number of Americans involved and the fact that most of their regular reporters were on vacation. Now that the reporters and analysts are back on air, they have gone on to suggest that this is the test that Al Qaeda has sent to Barack Obama, as predicted by Joe Biden. Also, I have heard some one mentioning that the terrorists went after the Americans in Mumbai because they could not get them here in America. All I have to say is: Sorry, it is not always about America. This was an attack against India and targeting American, British and Israeli citizens was just a ploy to garner worldwide attention and further the embarrassment of India.
Read On...
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Politics Avalanche made it to RealClearPolitics
My Bidding adieu to Bush article, yes, the previous one, made it to the RealClearPolitics website on Friday.
Check it out here (Bush Wasn't So Bad)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Bidding adieu to Bush - in a kinder tone.
Read On...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
America is a melting pot, not a dumping ground
The first issue in the Missouri ballot for Nov. 4 asks this: “Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to add a statement that English shall be the language of all governmental meetings at which any public business is discussed, decided, or public policy is formulated whether conducted in person or by communication equipment including conference calls, video conferences, or Internet chat or message board?”
This has become a controversy with plenty of heat going around from both sides. I should analyze the whole thing and should come up with a conclusion:
Legally requiring immigrants to learn English isn’t unfair; it promotes upward mobility and assimilation.
Read on...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I came to you as a democrat and you did not vote for me.
If you want to say any candidate is against God, remember Matt. 7: 1-5, which starts with these words: “Judge not, that you be not judged.”
Read on...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I'm voting for Bob Barr, to be included in the debates, that is.
Firstly, The Commission on Presidential Debates, a private, non-profit corporation, only allow candidates who poll above 15% nationally to be included in the presidential debates. This adds a serious dent to the commission's claim to be non-partisan. They are siding with the big guys who nevertheless treat the third party candidates as a thorn in their sides. A better way would be to include everyone that have made themselves into the ballot in at least 15% of the states, let us keep the number at 8 to round it off.
Practically, a lot of people, the so called independents who roam the aisle and choose which side to vote at the last moment, make that decision based on the presidential debates to see where the candidates stand on the issues, what plans they have up their sleeves to send the country in the right direction and also to see the integrity and strength that they display in the debates. This means that the third party candidates, being marginal in terms of visibility to the nation will have no chance to get their ideas across to the multitudes. Who knows what the people would decide once they see all the ideas being showcased in a nationally televised presidential debate? It is absolutely the spirit of democracy. So are you saying that people do not think outside the box? Well, about that later.
At least the people of America are polling in a majority to get the third party candidates to be included in the debates. I am quoting straight from the Zogby International's website.
UTICA, New York - More than half of likely voters nationwide - 55% - want Republican-turned-Libertarian Bob Barr to participate in presidential debates this fall, while nearly half - 46% - said they think Ralph Nader should be allowed into the on-stage fray, the latest Zogby Interactive polling shows.
The final argument for the third party candidates is that they will not be afraid to broach subjects that the democratic or republican party candidates would rather evade. They do not have to worry about offending any of their big money donors. They are also fearless of defeat and hence would be totally truthful and forceful in discussion about any matter. I can see Senators Obama and McCain trembling about the prospect of Bob Barr asking about how well their policies protect the constitution and whatever it stands for. Or Ralph Nader asking about how their policies do anything that helps America's middle class.
So in conclusion, we should all urge The Commission on Presidential Debates to include the third party or independent candidates in the debate and see democracy flourishes. This would enable the debates to actually reveal and cross examine the effectiveness and honesty of the policies of all the candidates. I would only help America. I do not see how it could hurt America.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Christians getting massacred in India as a part of religious cleansing
While the intention of sharing this piece of news is certainly not to spread hatred or distrust between communities, it is important that we as humans and also as Indians realize the intensity and seriousness of such a carnage Whether it is a few political outfits sharpening weapons for next year's general elections, whether it is the ignorant black-sheeps of two religions getting over-zealous, the fact is that people are suffering. While they debate it out in the bright news studios, in the security of their mansions protected by followers or faithfuls, there seems to be no respite to the suffering of these people...these laymen out there at ground zero.
A defaced portrait of Jesus Christ hangs on the wall of a demolished house after a mob attack at Barakhama village in the eastern Indian state of Orissa August 30, 2008. Thousands of people, most of them Christians, have sought shelter in makeshift government camps in eastern India, driven from their homes by religious violence which has killed scores of people.
A Christian girl salvages belongings from her burnt home at Minia village, about 320 kilometers (200 miles) from the Bhubaneshwar, the capital of the eastern Indian state of Orissa, Saturday, Aug. 30, 2008.
A Christian man looks at his destroyed house after a mob attack in Barakhama village in the eastern Indian state of Orissa August 30, 2008.
A Christian girl whose face was burnt during the recent religious violence, sits in a shelter at Raikia village in the eastern Indian state of Orissa August 31, 2008.
Christians set up tent shelters at Raikia village, in the eastern Indian state of Orissa August 31, 2008. Thousands of people, most of them Christians, have sought shelter in makeshift government camps in eastern India, driven from their homes by religious violence
Christians sit outside a shelter at Raikia village in the eastern Indian state of Orissa August 30, 2008.
A Christian woman cries outside her demolished house at Gatumah village in the eastern Indian state of Orissa
A Christian boy eats lunch under an umbrella inside a shelter at Raikia village in the eastern Indian state of Orissa August 30, 2008.
Christian villagers search the burnt remains of their household at Raikia bazaar of Kandhamal district in Orissa, India, Friday, Aug. 29, 2008. Thousands of Christian-run schools and colleges across India were closed Friday to protest recent Hindu mob attacks on churches and homes
Burnt vehicles are seen at Suleswar village in the eastern Indian state of Orissa August 31, 2008. Thousands of people, most of them Christians, have sought shelter in makeshift government camps in eastern India
Christians return for shelter after spending days in hiding in a forest at Naugram village in the eastern Indian state of Orissa August 30, 2008.
A vehicle burns inside a church in Nuagoan village in the Kandhamal district of the eastern Indian state of Orissa, August 25, 2008. REUTERS/Sanjib Mukherjee d.
A burnt doll is seen outside a Christian home at Suleswar village in the eastern Indian state of Orissa August 31, 2008
Christians and social activists protest against the recent communal violence in the eastern Indian state of Orissa, in New Delhi, India, Friday, Aug. 29, 2008. The protest by Christian institutions comes days after violence wracked eastern Orissa state where Christians have clashed with Hindu mobs targeting churches, businesses and homes
School children attend a prayer meeting to pay tributes to the victims of the recent clashes between Hindus and Christians in Orissa, in the northern Indian city of Shimla August 29, 2008. Hindu mobs ransacked a church and clashed with Christian villagers in eastern India on Thursday, police said
Citizens attend a protest against the killings of Christians in Orissa during a meeting in a Mumbai church August 29, 2008.
A Christian school teacher pleading to the VHP activists to spare him
All the Christians around the world should unite in protest against these atrocities. Spread the word.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
A letter of support to Prof. Douglas W. Kmiec
Thank you for the courage that you have shown to support Barack Obama. Even though many of his policies violate the message of Jesus Christ, there are other aspects in which he has a superior claim of doing the Lord's work. Your decision has proved at least this much: No party in America has a monopoly on Jesus.
I hail from a predominantly Catholic community. The Church that I knew and its message contrasts a lot from what I have seen and heard in the Catholic church in the United States. Out there, the Church prominently preaches social morality. The one about being the keeper of your brother. The message in which God helps anyone who helps, not himself, but his neighbor. We hear the story about Jesus telling us on the judgment day that he came to us as a poor man and we neglected him.
However, the Catholic Church in the United States appears to be on a war for personal morality, even though not all aspects of it. The right of a woman to choose or gay rights are personal choices, that we do not have to judge. Nobody forces anyone to be gay. Nobody can force me to have an abortion at my family. Such laws or Supreme Court judgments do not really affect my life or do not make me sin. Let the Lord be the one who judge them.
My uncle, Arch Bishop of Guwahati, has remarked on many occasions during his visits to the United States that the Church in the US has lost its direction fighting against abortion and gay rights. The debate sadly pushes aside the real issues that face the society; the real action that needs to be taken by us as fellow Christians. The inequality and poverty should be the primary issues that we need to care about as a society. Abortion and gay rights, which are cases of individual morality should be left to each person.
So I'd love to see the Church giving Social morality, at least the same importance that it gives to individual morality. Also, looking at the Republican policies in the past decade has made me wonder how I can justify those actions. Cutting health-care to children in different states is definitely not pro-life. Waging an unnecessary war that results in thousands of deaths and trillions of tax payer money is not a Christian way of doing things. The so called conservatives, at least the neocons do not stand for my values as a Christian.
But, there is always a word of caution in all these issues when it comes to liberals. As much as I applauded your decision to support Obama, you and I, as Catholics, should hold him accountable for having our religious rights unscathed. The story about Boston Catholic charities not being able to exorcise our religious beliefs in case of adoption should be a dire warning. Even from a totally agnostic point of view, the end result, that is those charities closed down does not benefit the nation or the people.
In the same vein, I am delighted at Obama's decision to make use of religious groups in making progress with the society. However, like the case of Catholic Adoption agencies, there is a trap hidden in his own words. While it is acceptable that these religious groups do not discriminate against their benefactors, he has asked the groups not to discriminate in hiring processes too. How would a Catholic charity be Catholic if its workers are Jewish or Atheists? Inasmuch as a Pro-Choice organization would want to hire someone who shares their ideas, even a Catholic organization, or any religious bodies for that matter, would want to hire people that share its values. We should fight to keep Obama accountable in this aspect.
Keeping in mind all these, I am appalled to hear that you were denied communion by a priest for endorsing Obama. Such bigotry is not part of Jesus Christ's message. Such hate is not professed by bible as I know it.
So, I wish to congratulate you for your stance and would love to see you continue to champion the Catholic values, be it demanding for government policies with an emphasis on social morality or fighting for religious freedom in the public square.
Thank You,
Politics Avalanche
Update: Prof. Kmiec actually responded with a message of agreement. He alerted us that the love of our homosexual neighbors in California ought not be turned around as a discrimination against the church. I applaud that. As much as they have the right for unions, it should not be held against a judge or a clerk or a priest who would not want to perform ceremony due to religious beliefs.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Blame Dubya First
However, with the pain long gone, let me inspect the rationality of blaming the President for the various problems, perceived or real, that the country is facing. I have chosen four areas: Iraq war, energy crisis, sagging economy and mismanagement of Hurricane Katrina.
I am not an ardent supporter of wars. Not even Iraq war. But to hold the President as the sole scapegoat for whatever shortcomings of the Iraq war is delusional. The Senate and the House, both Republicans and Democrats supported the war. The same people who are blaming Bush for the failures in Iraq were spineless to oppose it before it started. Now that it is fashionable to oppose war, majority of them are against it. Blaming Bush is the way they are refusing to own up their responsibility. Why were they afraid to oppose back then? Because the polls said that the majority of Americans wanted it. They did not have guts to take a moral stand when it was unpopular. Democrats were screaming for Bush to stop Saddam and his WMD. The same people would flip again if the war in Iraq suddenly becomes very popular with the American public. This morality of convenience also makes them forget about the achievements of the war. Back then there was no question about the need of liberating a country from a tyrant who was oppressing all opposition brutally. Now that Saddam is dead and gone, people are forgetting, conveniently, about the positive effects of the invasion. If there is a mess in Iraq, we have to deal with it and let the process complete itself. We cannot just cut and run.
Everybody is bashing bush for the high gas prices. They fail to recognize two things. One: the current high prices are the result of market forces that are beyond the control of the American president. The global supply of oil is almost constant and the consumption is getting higher by the day. This results in an imbalance in the supply-demand equilibrium and the market readjusts by the way of higher prices. This brings to account the second accusation. It is his energy policy that created this mess which could have been avoided. Highly unlikely. Energy policy cannot alter the way a nation consumes energy in a few years. If any flaw in the American energy policy was responsible for the crisis, then the flaw existed for decades. So the blame should be borne by the previous administrations, including Bush Sr, Clinton, Reagan and beyond. However, whether they could have predicted the changes in the global economy that results in the higher oil prices is yet another question. Blaming bush is escapism. Again, let's consider some of the short term measures that can ease the prices a bit. The White House has repeatedly asked/begged Congress to pass legislation that allow drilling in Alaska, which has more oil than Saudi Arabia; allow offshore drilling in the Gulf Coast and California and to allow more nuclear plants to be built. Answers to all of the above from the Democrats and many Republicans is a staunch NO! The technology has evolved so much in the past decade and anyone who is for protecting the environment should add limits/provisions to ensure that in the bill. A blind opposition to any of these is downright moronic.
The main factor behind the economic downturn is the mortgage crisis and the resulting credit crunch. These are the results of decades of indiscipline and over inflation of house prices. Everyone said the house prices will continue to rise perpetually. This led to widespread fiscal irresponsibility by home owners and the lenders. George W Bush did not force these folks to buy bigger houses than they could afford by lying about their income. He did not force the hordes of people to ignore the contracts while signing Adjustable Rate Mortgages and then again use any available inflated equity to buy Plasma TVs. There is only one policy that could have saved thousands from home-foreclosures. There is only one action that could have stopped the credit crunch from happening. It is called personal responsibility.
Another blame that George W Bush has borne singlehandedly is that he is behind everything evil that happened with the Hurricane Katrina. Bush did not create the hurricane. It is a natural phenomenon. He did not make it more severe. There have been far worse hurricanes in the past. He did not designed or built the levees that were broken. Again, the Office of the President of the United States of America has nothing to do with the Hurricane Contingency plans for the area. They are formulated by the state of Louisiana and the city of New Orleans. The plan was put in action by the state effectively. It gave plenty of warnings and asked for mandatory evacuation from the area. It is not Dubya's fault that one in five people in New Orleans refused to leave. They were amply warned. It is not his fault that there were many people in New Orleans who had no cars or were sick. I've never read anywhere that the duties of the president includes making sure that every citizen is healthy, owns a car and shows common sense. Well, some of these are failings, but you cannot blame Bush alone for that. He rushed all the help that he could as fast as he can. You cannot expect him to go down there and start airlifting people out of rooftops all by himself. The convoys of food and other stuff takes time to organize and to reach a flooded area.
I am not claiming that George W Bush is the finest president that America has ever seen. But he is not the monster that the liberals portray him to be. To counter their claims, these facts are out there to be seen by anyone who cares to look. But as I have read in the internet, "If the sun were to explode, the Liberals would spend their last few minutes blaming it on Bush."
Monday, May 26, 2008
Assault on the First Amendment rights of Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Texas
Here is another blatant assault on the first amendment. The court has thrown out the State's abduction of (yes abduction) of over 460 children from Yearning for Zion, the compound of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS) community.
I am not writing this to support any evil doers. If there were any under-aged or forceful marriages, any statutory rapes or other abuse on minors, the culprits should be tried and punished. If any of the adults in the community have committed such crimes or knowingly aided them, they all should be prosecuted to the maximum extend as allowed by law. The right of religious freedom won't protect them and first amendment does not excuse such crimes.
However, the lawyers of Child Protective Services have finally admitted that 15 of the 31 "child" mothers placed in foster care were actually adults. One is 27. A 14-year-old removed as a child mother apparently has no children. The state had raided the ranch after a 16-year-old girl called an abuse hot line saying she had been beaten and raped by her 50-year-old husband, but that girl has not been found at the ranch during the raid. Police traced the calls to 33-year-old Colorado Springs woman named Rozita Swinton. Swinton had earlier been arrested for making a false report, and accused of posing as "Jennifer," 16, who called 911 to report that her father had locked her in a basement for days. She is also accused of posing as other aliases.
That being said, in this case the Texas government officials jumped into this mess with the best of intentions. They forgot or ignored the legal procedure while earnestly trying to save another child from molestation. This lead to flagrant errors in evidence and identities of the parties involved. Even now the authorities cannot clearly find the ages, names and relationships of the 'children' taken away from the ranch. DNA tests of hundreds of people are taking weeks to process when many children are away from their parents despite of the lack of proof of any wrong doing.
The court ruling says in its third paragraph that "Removing children from their homes and parents on an emergency basis before fully litigating the issue of whether the parents should continue to have custody of the children is an extreme measure. It is, unfortunately, sometimes necessary for the protection of the children involved. However, it is a step that the legislature has provided may be taken only when the circumstances indicate a danger to the physical health and welfare of the children, and the need for protection of the children is so urgent that immediate removal of the children from the home is necessary."
The court talks about the following facts that were undisputed by the Department of Child Protective Services. The only danger to the male children or the female children who had not reached puberty identified by the Department was the Department's assertion that the "pervasive belief system" of the FLDS community groomed the males to be perpetrators of sexual abuse later in life and taught the girls to submit to sexual abuse after reaching puberty;There was no evidence that the male children, or the female children who had not reached puberty, were victims of sexual or other physical abuse or in danger of being victims of sexual or other physical abuse. Also, there was no evidence that any of the female children other than the five identified as having become pregnant between the ages of fifteen and seventeen were victims or potential victims of sexual or other physical abuse. Additionally, the Department conceded at the hearing that teenage pregnancy, by itself, is not a reason to remove children from their home and parents, but took the position that immediate removal was necessary in this case because "there is a mind-set that even the young girls report that they will marry at whatever age, and that it's the highest blessing they can have to have children."
It may sound outrageous when you hear about girls are married by guys who are old enough to be their dad. But keep in mind, a horror story alone is not a legal basis for removing hundreds of children form their parents. The Texas Court of appeals, Third District, at Austin is clearly right in pointing out that a good intention would not substitute legal procedures for proving that a child is in imminent danger.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Gas Prices Soaring, Politicians Warring.
Gas prices are soaring. New Jersey has one of the lowest prices in the nation and it was around $3.59 a couple of days ago. On the same day, just across the state border, it was $4.29 in Rockland County, NY and the price shown in the above Chicago Tribune picture in Downtown Chicago. Obviously, nobody is happy about it. Every congressman is trying hard to put the blame on someone else, whether it is Bush administration's foreign policy or record profits by oil companies. But what people want to know is where this ends.
Some of the solutions that are floating around are suspending federal gas tax, enforcing higher fuel efficiency standards and forcing the oil companies to let go of their profits. I can dissect one by one to show how each one of these measures will not put a dent on the current scenario.
Suspending or repealing the federal gas tax could save about 20 cents per gallon to the consumers. Sen. John McCain has been promoting this idea. This would only lead to about $10 savings per month for the consumers where as it would deny billions of dollars from the federal infrastructure programs. There is also a chance of the gas station owners and the oil companies will readjust the prices so that the savings may not go into the wallets of the public. Well, this is not a chance, we've seen it happening in Illinois before.
Enforcing higher fuel efficiency standards is an idea supported by the white house hopeful Sen. Barack Obama. At first glance, it looks like a pretty sound idea. But in reality, it would not work the way it is envisioned. A classic example would be story behind Chrysler PT Cruiser. The car is designed in such a way that it would be classified as a truck by NHTSA for CAFE fuel economy calculations. This enabled the company to lower the fuel economy of its light truck fleet into compliance with CAFE standards. If there is anyone out there who can challenge it when I say that it is a small car, come forward. This is just an example that shows a way by which companies circumvent the Corporate Average Fuel Economy regulations. It is very clear that the regulations cannot improve fuel efficiency. Free market can. There is no better incentive for the manufacturers to improve fuel efficiency than a $5 per gallon gas price. We see that happening now. Look at how Chrysler is doing in terms of sales. Look at the Japanese companies with their smaller fuel efficient cars. You get the idea.
Another idea that Sen. Barack Obama has been promoting is enforcing windfall taxes on oil companies. He talks about record profits by Exxon Mobil of the order of $10 Billion. What he fails to bring into perspective is that Exxon Mobil made a profit of $10 Billion on an operating revenue of over $100 Billion. This is not a windfall. This is definitely not cut-throat profit. Earning 10% profit is the least that the investors can ask for from any company. Would Sen. Dick Durbin invest in a company that does not make at least some meagre profit? Go check out the share prices and the revenues and profits of different companies, oil companies or others and figure out by yourselves.
Now look at gas prices around the world: UK- $5.64, Hong Kong- $5.62 , Germany- $5.29, Italy- $4.86, Portugal- $4.80. Let us examine how these countries fare in terms of median household income. Well, most of them are behind the United states in this aspect. While I am at it, I should make one smaller point. In the UK, everything is more expensive, not just gas prices, than the in the United States and at the same time, people earn less. This has been the way things have been for a long time. There must be some way that the people in Europe got away with a higher cost of living.
One thing that we can be certain of is that the cheap gas prices of 90s are never coming back. These high prices would make the consumers reduce consumption voluntarily. The market will work if we let it. High prices would encourage conservation better than any environmental regulations. Entrepreneurs would race to develop viable alternate fuels if gas prices rose too much. However, the alternative sources have to be proven their viability in the free market for long term sustainability. Government subsidies won't cut it. Any source that is truly cheaper and cleaner and still viable would survive. Government does not need to support it. These high gas prices would make many of these sources more viable and this could help us in the long term by weaning us off our dependency of oil from the Middle East. We would definitely love to see us stop funding both sides of the war on terror.
Secondly, drill more in Alaska and Gulf Coast. This the only country in the world that denies its citizens access to known recoverable oil resources in the country. A blind opposition on more drilling is a terrible mistake that the democrats are making. Allowing offshore drilling, eliminating regulations that restrict refining, and suspending harmful tax rules that discourage domestic oil production would go a long way in helping reduce the gas prices. If you are concerned about the environment, you can create some basic guidelines to protect it. I am sure the drilling techniques have evolved in a long way in the last two decades so as to minimize the effect on the environment. People who blindly oppose any drilling are acting like they are oblivious of this fact.
In essence, if we hope to have a stable, affordable supply of gas, we must allow the free market to operate. The government can do certain things. But mainly, it should let the free market operate itself out of this situation. From a national security point of view, this is the time for America to innovate, conserve and adjust itself in many ways so that we do not have to vent all of our money to the states like the Venezuela and the ones in Middle East that definitely do not have America's prosperity and security as their first priority. The blame game must cease.
Check out the claims.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Keep the immigrants. Deport the Columbia faculty.
Mr. Riley has explored into some serious stuff here. It rings true to the beliefs of most of America. And it points to the extremism that is being promoted by the hard core liberals who are against the concept of assimilation. This absolutely shows how they are out of touch with the reality.
Let me talk about assimilation, the supposedly dirty word. If I may, assimilation is the whole essence of being American. Right from the beginning, with each wave of immigration, the newcomers have tried their best to being a part of the mainstream. This may take a decade, or a couple of generations. But the whole idea is that the immigrants adjust their ways and become one to the melting pot that is America. The first generation may have their own difficulties, but the subsequent generations have always found it natural becoming American in all senses.
The key to this transformation is that there were always opportunities to do so in the past. Or at least, assimilation was always expected. Nobody talked about having Italian language education. There were no German sign boards in the public. Sure enough, the children of Catholic immigrants needed Notre Dame to come up against the odds that were stacked up in the universities then. But fast forward to the twenty first century and none of them is away from main stream America. Nobody bats an eye when a Catholic is running for president.
Again, this is not to say that assimilation is a one way street. No. It works both ways. As much as the immigrants become a part of America, they contribute to the culture, the cuisine and the folk lore: be it Pizza, Mafia or Drinking habits.
So, the pundits are wrong when they say assimilation is a bad thing. We do not need some parallel societies where a lower quality citizens exist segregated by the walls of education in a different language. There is no reason for English not becoming the official language of America. Earlier in history, there was no need for it. But now a days multiculturalists fail to realize that lack of assimilation linguistically and culturally is only enslaving the immigrants against an opportunity to self improvement : Financially and Culturally.
Good traditions never die. It never did in the past two centuries. So there is no reason to think that the sole identity of an immigrant is lost with assimilation. It only strengthens the person in a new environment. It only strengthens the country.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
What happened to our first amendment rights?
What happened to our first amendment rights?
To quote wikipedia, "The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is a part of the United States Bill of Rights. On its face, it prohibits the United States Congress from making laws "respecting an establishment of religion" (the "Establishment Clause") or that prohibit free exercise of religion (the "Free Exercise Clause"), laws that infringe the freedom of speech, infringe the freedom of the press, limit the right to peaceably assemble, or limit the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
As Politics Avalanche has mentioned before, the pro-abortion activists have the right to express their opinion, and if someone says anything against it, the whole media cries FOUL.
ACLU should show guts to fight for the very basic freedom of speech in this case. In America it is easier to defend criminals than the faithful that were peacefully showing their solidarity.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Canadian news with some spine
I usually find the Canadian commentaries displaying a blatant deficiency of a backbone. But that is not the case with National Post and Lorne Gunter. I have found his opinion on the importance of Israel pretty insightful. He says that if [the Western World] gives up on Israel, [the jihadists] will simply take that as a sign they might be able to pressure us next to give up on Quebec, Mississauga, Michigan, Birmingham and the Paris suburbs.
Whatever maybe one's political belief, there is no question that Israel has managed to perfect certain techniques in dealing with terrorism. Whereas America has been under severe attack from the Jihadists only for the past one decade or so, Israel, throughout its existence of sixty years has been getting bombarded by all kinds of onslaughts imaginable. It has dealt with hostage situations and airline hijacking for ages and have been considered as the best in the world in counter-terrorism.
A big aspect of Israel is that it thrives under extreme threats. The Egyptian aerial assaults with its massive assembly of Soviet made aircraft had forced them to produce one of the best air force legions in combat scenarios. It is not a secret that the Israel had given American Soldiers training on the urban guerrilla warfare for the Baghdad streets.
Thus, we can see that Israel is useful in two ways, one as a strategic, unwavering partner in one of the most volatile regions in the world. Secondly, keeping in mind of the continuing war on terror, they could be extremely useful as a training partner or a real world lab to test the next-gen combat techniques in the long term.
Additionally, in an area of thriving dictatorships and blooming fanaticism, it could act as the beacon of freedom and democracy. Add to that the resilience and courage of Israeli people, it proves to the Western world and America that, even when the going gets tough, democracy and freedom is tough enough to get going. The unflinching strength that the country has shown in the past sixty years braving enemies from all around that have the sole agenda of erasing it from the world map is a sign of optimism and hope for the believers of liberty and democracy worldwide.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Democrats to entrust Coyotes with national security!
For the record, Politics Avalanche is not against immigration. PA believes in creating provisions for temporary workers to be allowed into the country through special visas. There are around 13 million illegal immigrants in this country who are earning money and yet paying no taxes. The only way to end this free-ride is to get them ways to become legal and force employers to hire only legal workers by strong enforcement tactics.
Coming back to the main issue in question. Have anyone of you thought about how good is the border security in Mexico? Well, other than from certain neighboring countries, the border security measures in Mexico is pretty slack and anybody can get into Mexico pretty easily. So are we trusting Mexican authorities with our national security? They have other things to worry about.
Think about this: Once in Mexico, anyone can pay the coyotes to get themselves easily into the United States. Do you seriously think that the Coyotes are going to check the people against the US Terror Watch List before letting them cross the border? You must be kidding me! So in essence, we are trusting the coyotes with the National Security of the United States of America.
One argument I see against the strengthening of the borders is that no terrorist has come that way yet. OK, let us wait till a bunch of them arrive and blow up half of America before we can start doing something about it.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Coach in New Jersey Cannot Pray With Players
This is the most blatant assault against the Constitution of the United states which stands for the freedom of speech and religion.This is the tool that they use against the very soul of America: Political Correctness.
Since when is it the citizens forbidden from wishing anyone Happy Christmas? When it is Hanukkah, I'd wish Happy Hanukkah too. Political correctness is forcing a whole country forget its roots and make its citizens live in a make believe worlds in which one has to wish everyone happy holidays. That is a bull! If that is the case, we have the weekends off and everyone should be wishing Happy Holidays on weekends too. So that is really clear that it is special on those days because it is Christmas. Learn to live with it. Or try to rebuild USSR and flee to that place. Or go to Cuba. I hear even in Cuba one is allowed to wish anyone Happy Christmas.
Coming back to the main issue, this kind of oppressive policies are lurking all around. Take the issue of abortion. All these Pro-Abortion liberals, if they get what they want, would make it mandatory that everyone go through abortion. For the record, Politics Avalanche (that's me) is pro-choice. And my choice is LIFE! Anyway, I would not mind legislation allowing the freedom of choice, but I know they are going to turn the tables and hit that freedom out and invade the freedom to choose life, one of the last territories of religious freedoms left in this country.
People, all you good stalwarts of morality, please forward this story and the NY Times story. I know their story makes it looks like the coach is a criminal or something. But that is the point. How being a reasonable, caring, god fearing individual is a bad thing in America.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Obama says he's outraged by former pastor's comments
Gingrich: Wright May Be Deliberately Trying to Hurt Obama
Or, let us say, does it mean that he is trying to distance himself from Obama and THEREBY HELPING HIM?
Now Obama will further denounce his words and may even disavow him. Is anybody seeing this ulterior motive?
Hillary to appear on FOX NEWS
Hey Hill, it is wise to follow Obama at every step. But is O'Reilly a wise choice?
He could get some TRUTH out of you. Unlike the senile Chris Wallace who read a script given by Obama Campaign.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Obama wrong about fuel efficiency standards.
Well, I think the market takes care of itself. PA (Politics Avalanche) believes that there is no need for such harsh measures. Who stuck with gas guzzling SUV's? The names that come to mind are GM, Ford, Chrysler. Who came out with smaller, more efficient cars? The Japs did that.
The primary proof that free market works to regulate itself is evident by the good fortunes of the Japs lately and the mad scrambling by which the Big Three are going for smaller cars.
So Obama, the system works just fine, what you have seen in Detroit is Capitalism regulating the industry. No one who even walks by a gas station would argue that the companies are going to ignore the case for more fuel efficient vehicles. If they do, it will be at their own peril.
Choosing family members.
PA's (Political Avalanche) response: Well, we get to choose some of our family members. Like, let's say... when we say : "I do".